Friday, May 25, 2007

I'm alive.

I'm safe.
I'm still in thailand.
Not diving much recently.
Enjoying a book -- the devil in the white city.
Feeling a little bit stuck in limbo...
And apparently, somehow, typing on a dvorak keyboard...
Ok, that last one isn't true.  I don't know how to type on a dvorak keyboard, but somehow I accidentally switched the settings over to it and had to figure out how to switch them back before i could continue with this message.
A little over a month ago I met somebody here who works in commercial diving.  He offered me a job on a barge.  Sounded interesting but he didn't know the timing back then so I didn't think too much of it.  A few weeks ago he said they'd gotten the contract and would probably be going at the end of this month.  I said I was interested if the offer was still there.  He said it was.  Last week he needed to go to singapore for a few days though to start mobilizing some of the equipment.  I was hoping to fill out some visa forms before he left, but he didn't have them yet.  He isn't back from singapore.  I'm slowly starting to think I won't be working on a barge in bangladesh after all.  I suppose I should have gotten his contact information before he left.  Oh well. 
I guess that means it's time for me to figure out what to do now and where to go next.  I'm sick of sitting in the same place.  Need to get back on the road.  I don't think I'll finish my dive master training before I leave -- that way I can always come back and dive for free and I have no real intent on working as an official dive master anyway.  I'll finish the book part though.  That way I can get rid of the dead weight before leaving. 
So I guess in the next few days I'll be flipping a lot of coins trying to settle on a new direction. 
That and looking for cheap flights.