Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Amazonian savages!

Yes, I know it's been a while, but I have a really good excuse!  Three months ago I was kidnapped by a group of amazonian peasant refugees and held captive in the jungle with nothing to eat but mushrooms and tree bark!  They were holding me ransom but as they were a primitive tribe, they had no familiarity with modern day technology and the ransom letter was rolled up and thrown down river in a bottle.  Luckily it was eaten by an anaconda which was later caught by a poacher, slaughtered and made into boots which were subsequently bought by a visiting New York celebrity.  Unfortunately as she was also a well known spokesperson for PETA, she obviously couldn't come forward and reluctantly threw the ransom letter in her recycling bin.  Fortunately she was also the target of an identity theft ring which had been monitoring her recycled mail for months to gather credit card information.  In the midst of a moral epiphany, one of the white collar criminals repented from his ways and decided to turn over a new leaf and redeem himself by saving me.  The unnamed celebrity has graciously offered not to press charges against him in exchange for her continued anonymity. 
Ok, I confess, that's not the real reason I've been absent from my post.  Would you believe I was hitchhiking with Peruvian midgets along the Panamerican highway when....
Actually it's much simpler than any of that.  It's also slightly more embarrassing, yet most of you probably knew it was inevitable from the start. 
I met a girl.
Here's the less likely part.  I met her while I was in Chicago.  Two nights before I left for Costa Rica I met her out at a bar.  We kept in touch while I was on the road (for all of three weeks) and I finally decided to high tail it back home and get to know her better.  I really was having banking complications, but if I'd wanted to, I'm sure I could have sorted those out remotely. As an epilogue to the banking story though, Citibank never sent my new ATM card to San Jose.  They sent it to Chicago.  After returning I immediately proceeded to open three bank accounts and yet somehow I still have as yet to close all my accounts with Citibank as I promised them I would...  Idle threats I guess.
So what have I been doing with myself for the last three months in Chicago?  Pretty much enjoying the same lifestyle I enjoyed on the road. Mostly relaxing.  I got a job at Starbucks and signed up for classes at UIC.  The semester started last week, so things have started to get a little busy.  I'm taking french, economics, statistics and linguistics.  All for fun. 
I do miss being on the road, but I'm happy and don't regret my decision to come back.  I don't expect I'll be keeping up this blog much anymore, but you never know... 
Take care all,