Monday, June 23, 2008

Hello world!

Ha! Ok i suppose that's one of those jokes only my dorky programmer friends will have any chance of appreciating that one.
Anyway, i'm back! And let me just take a moment to complain about this keyboard ;-)
Sorry, couldn't help it. Actually, no complaints. I'm sitting in a starbucks near times square writing this from my nokia n800 (affectionately known as nate). This time around i'll be able to stay in touch with skype - something i couldn't do last time with my palm.
I haven't actually left the country yet, but i feel more like out on the road on my own. My friends aunt and uncle were gracious enough to put me up for two nights after their daughter's wedding. This morning they dropped me off at the train station leaving for new york. When the train arrived (right after i got there) i hadn'r yet purchased my ticket. I was in no hurry and didn't want to get on the wrong train so i let it go. When i finally bought my ticket and found the train schedule i realized the next train wasn't coming for two hours. I decided to go for a walk. That's when i realized the train was only a fifteen minute walk from their house!
So i stopped back in and had indian left overs for lunch :-) then i walked back and caught the next train.
Now i'm just killing some time and chilling (and IMing with my girlfriend...) Before my flight to paris tonight.
Must go now though before rush hour pedestrians!
A bientot