and it was great. I was a bit stressed this morning. Couldn't fall asleep until late last night, woke up tired, packed, walked 45 minutes with my backpack over to the dive center to get a room closer, was drenched in sweat... Then this morning we had CPR "instruction" and after lunch we went out on the boat for two dives. I was the "rescue diver" which basically meant every few minutes somebody was yelling "Pizza! Pizza!" -- code for "help! help!" during simuated exercises so everybody else knows the person isn't really drowning.
Well, it was my first time diving with budhaview, so it was obviously my first time using their equipment or riding on their boats or using their protocol. For that matter it was my first time doing any of that anywhere other than with Dive India in Andaman! What a difference -- in andaman we road little 12 person boats (those were the biggest) that were pretty much old boards of wood glued together propelled by an agricultural motor intended for pumping water on farms... The boats we road today were quite a bit more sophisticated -- and big! Everybody actually puts together their tanks and regulators -- something we only did for practice in andaman -- the boat boys took care of it for you on the boat. So it was a different experience. That and the XXL wetsuit here is quite a bit bigger than XXL I was used to -- so I was wearing an oversized suit which messed up my boyancy. I did ok though, and I have to say by the time we were headed back on the boat, I felt wide awake and energized! It was amazing. There's just something about spending a little time under water that makes everything else around you seem so much better.
Ok, time for me to go socialize with some new people and see if I can get a decent nights sleep before my tests tomorrow...