Monday, February 26, 2007

lost in paradise

well, I decided to extend my stay in paradise by an extra two weeks -- increasing my odds of being killed by a falling coconut. 
With the extra time I decided to sign up for a scuba diving course and I just finished the first 4 days (one day of instruction and three days of practical training/diving).  It'd been great!  The theory was easy for me, but I was a bit worried I wouldn't take so well to being under water -- I've always loved being in the water, but my ears are a bit sensitive and I didn't know how comfortable I'd be with the mask and regulator.  I tried snuba once with my family in hawaii -- basically a scuba tank on a raft hooked up to a hose limiting how deep you can go but also requiring little training -- but I've always wanted to do real scuba and now I've had the chance to learn in one of the best places to go diving!  Yesterday we saw a great see turtle.  The coral is always beautiful to see up close, and of course swimming with a school of fish is just an altogether surreal experience.  I've signed up for the advanced course later this week which includes 5 more dives.  Then I'll be headed back to the mainland next week.  From there who knows...
Ok, like I said, the internet connection here is a pain to come by so you probably won't here from me again for a while...

Friday, February 16, 2007

death by coconut

Well, aside from the possibility of a major shift in tectonic plates, and the occasional tourist who takes too much drugs and goes missing, the main hazard here seems to be falling coconuts.  Yesterday morning I stood up from the breakfast table and started to walk toward my hut when a coconut fell right in my path about 10 paces in front of me.  Good thing I didn't get up a few seconds earlier!  I asked a friend here how many people actually die a year from falling coconuts.  He kind of shook his head -- not because he diddn't know, but because he really didn't want to tell me the number!  You hear them falling all the time.  Still, the odds of getting hit are probably similar to those of getting struck by lightning. Maybe a little higher.  Coconuts never fall in the same spot twice though!  Ha ha, fortunately nobodies stupid enough to believe that one...
Technologies a funny thing here.  I think there are three or so internet connections on this island -- all dial up.  Two days ago there was no electricity -- they ran out of petrol and apparently they like to wait here until the run out before ordering more.  The same thing happened with beer two weeks ago -- they were ten days with out it.  Yesterday there was electricity, but no dial tone.  All the while my cell phone kept plugging along just fine though -- sms is the way to go here...

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Soaking up the rays and praying the earth stands still...

I'm in Andaman now -- the main island. I flew here this morning and walked from the airport to the port. I figure I'll be flying out of here so that will give me time to stay here on the way out.  Best now to head toward a secluded island and stay on some hut on the beach with no plumbing...  Of course after the last 2 hours walking (it wasn't that far but I took a few wrong but scenic turns) I could definitely use a shower!
The wedding in Calcutta was nice and I'll have to describe it a bit eventually, but for now I just wanted to check in and say I may be going off the grid again for a little bit.  I have no idea if havelock island has any internet connections.  Then again I have no idea if the ticket I bought is for real or if I spent too much on a counterfeit...  We'll just have to hope for the best.