Thursday, October 12, 2006

Leaving paris

I'm heading out of paris on a train in 20 minutes for pontourson to see Mont St Michel on the northern coast. I arrive there a little after 5 and I'm hoping I won't have any trouble getting a bed at the one hostel that's listed in my guide... I have a feeling it's a small town though so I don't know how much luck I'll have finding internet connections. I expect to head down the western coast toward the bordeaux area tomorrow or the day after. Paris was fun and I'll try to spend some of my time on the train ride to Pontourson elaborating and going back to earlier escapades, but for now I need to go find my train...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There we go! Wine, check! Women, check! Song? Eh...not so much..c'est la vie! More wine!
What's the going rate for a hostel from your travels? I did some net searching, and in Germany along the S border (the Bodensee, one of my favorite places in the world), it seems to be about E20/person/night - not bad, but not all that cheap either.
Also, are you buying your train tkts individually, or did you let them mug you for the ridiculous amount for the pass?