Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Vesel Božič from Ljubljana!  

Ok, I have to appologize to half of my slavic friends because I spent the last four days in Belgrade.  Close your eyes if you arent serbian when I say that I had a great time.  Never the less, it was also nice to leave.  I think I had a little too much smoke --  the hostel where I stayed, not to mention the train ride and everywhere else I went was just sooooo smoke filled.  Everybody seems to smoke there.  Even more than I remember in Germany from ten years ago... 

I was planning on going south towards greece for the holidays and then sailing up to turkey, but plans have changed -- well, if you can call that vague intent I had a plan.  Now Ill be taking the northern route through hungary and romania.  Good thing I didnt already tear those chapters out of my lonely planet... 

Anyway, I really cant write long now because Im writing from a hostel where Im not even staying...  Im spending xmas with a friend here in ljubljana and then Ill be moving on out toward budapest for New Years.

So merry xmas to all, and to all a good night.  Ho ho ho ho.  And happy new years too of course, but hopefully Ill check in again before then.

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