Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A quick update and some photos...

Yeah, yeah, I know, Im a bit behind. Pardon the lack of certain punctuation (namely the apostrophe) but Im typing on a swedish keyboard at the hostel and dont know where it is. If every now and then you notice a ä slip in where youäd expect to see one, thats because thats the key thats in its place... Anway, I dont really want to take too much time right now to give a long drawn out account of the last few days, I figure maybe Ill do that on the ferry tomorrow night on my way to Helsinki -- unless of course that turns out to be one rip roaring party in which case i might wait a little longer =)

This hostel does have wifi, but for some reason I havent been able to send out mail from my pda since getting to sweden, so Im hoping thats some wierd swedish privacy policy issue with googles smtp setup... Hopefully itll fix itself. Thats part of the reason I havent updated anything. I just noticed all the computers in the hostel have memory card slots though, so that makes life even easier to upload some shots which is what I figured Id take the time to do now. Sorry, Copenhagen is very, um, nonexistent in my photos. I unfortunately forgot to take the camera with me a lot of places. Ive been a little (very little) better about it in Stockholm at least. Stockholms been great. I havent really done all that much in terms of museums (I did make it to see the viking ship Vasa at least) but hanging out an wandering around and going out with new friends from the hostel has been an unbelievable experience!

Heres a few pictures though. Once I finish up here Im going to head out and see if I can find a spot to watch the sun set over the see.

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