Saturday, January 13, 2007

Safe and sound at Shivalik

Well, after two short and pleasant flights (punctuated by a relatively long and uneventful stopover in bahrain) I arrived safely in New Delhi.  It took about an hour for my luggage to show up, but after that the prepaid taxi line was short and the way to my Auntie's house was familiar.  I wasn't sure if they even knew I was coming, but I knew I'd be welcomed with open arms...  Fortunately they were home and awake -- or maybe I woke them...  I had some tea, took a quick nap up in the room on the roof and then I was off on my hunt for idli, dosa and sambar!  Mmmm.  The sambar left a warm and loving feeling in my tummy, but now that feeling has moved to my intestins and it doesn't seem to be stopping so I'd better keep this short and skip my way back to a lieu. 

Just wanted to let everybody know that I'm cozy warm in sunny India.  I have an indian travel book now and a local sim card, so I'm ready to venture out into the world -- as soon as I recuperate from my cold...

Happy orthodox newyear everybody!

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